Friday, May 25, 2007

the much anticipated day has arrived!

greetings lovers, love-makers, and love-lovers!

this evening, the original tried and true prickley pair, CC-OC, will escort one dashing bloke (DB) and the original gangsta herself to a dark theater for a double feature. our good friend nortorious (N) will also join us, as a guest prickley pair correspondent, so that no good kissy-kissies will go unnoticed. this should come as a relief to our devoted readers, as CCOC may indeed be locked up in some kissy-kissy themselves and would hate to miss any detail of tonight's BIG DATE!

prickley pair was on the scene yesterday for some very important prepping for tonight's extravaganza (did we mention it's dinner and TWO movies?!). and so, for those of you who can't wait for tonigt's juicy gossip, we're happy to bring you a little tidbit from OG herself:

"...DB is GOLDEN." well said, OG... who doesn't like gold!?

prickley pair, signing off... we've got to go get ready for what's looking to be quite an action-packed evening!

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