Friday, May 25, 2007

the much anticipated day has arrived!

greetings lovers, love-makers, and love-lovers!

this evening, the original tried and true prickley pair, CC-OC, will escort one dashing bloke (DB) and the original gangsta herself to a dark theater for a double feature. our good friend nortorious (N) will also join us, as a guest prickley pair correspondent, so that no good kissy-kissies will go unnoticed. this should come as a relief to our devoted readers, as CCOC may indeed be locked up in some kissy-kissy themselves and would hate to miss any detail of tonight's BIG DATE!

prickley pair was on the scene yesterday for some very important prepping for tonight's extravaganza (did we mention it's dinner and TWO movies?!). and so, for those of you who can't wait for tonigt's juicy gossip, we're happy to bring you a little tidbit from OG herself:

"...DB is GOLDEN." well said, OG... who doesn't like gold!?

prickley pair, signing off... we've got to go get ready for what's looking to be quite an action-packed evening!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

not for the faint of heart.

this just in!

this prickley pair correspondent was typing today's news when a very important phone call came through to our offices:

PP: "now why did you call me?"
DB: "i had to confess that ... with OG."

(... denotes personal information unfit for print at this time... but believe us when we say, WOWZA!)

prickley pair, now accepting applicants.

hello, and welcome to prickley pair, specializing in creative matchmaking solutions for artists and muses.

today we bring you the latest gossip about our prickley pair of the week:

the original gangsta (OG) has been spotted canoodling in thai restaurants and parks throughout the city with a particularily dashing bloke (DB). no kiss to be reported yet, however, sunset cuddling has been confirmed. the pressure will certainly be on, as the two head to dinner and a silent movie this friday. kissy-kissy? we at prickley pair certainly hope so! we will be along on the highly anticipated 3rd/4th-ish date(?!) to facilitate specialized 2nd-base matchmaking skills.

prickley pair tracked down OG/DB this week for their comments on their developing prickley pair union. OG reports DB has one cute dimple... prickley pair suspects she would like to run her tongue over aforementioned dimple for good measure. OG would also like the record to reflect she believes practice makes perfect, in bed that is. prickley pair couldn't agree more!suffering from "witchypoo" and OG's spell-casting, DB has confirmed an exploded heart, a sizeable scull fracture caused by the pressure of many beautiful butterflies in his brain, and a parting with old friends, doom and gloom. prickley pair wishes DB the best, and suggests down-time be spent in freezers/other climate-controlled environments so that he does not melt away completly. no words to when he'll make his big move... the little moves seem to be getting him closer.

DB to OG before parting ways yesterday evening: "what are my chances in winning you over as my girlfriend?"
response: "fairly high..." prickley pair has already begun to celebrate our first super-success story with gleeful giggles and thunderous muahahas! stay tuned!